

Pesquisador da area de seguranca que revelou vulnerabilidade no sistema de votacao eletronica a ser usado nas proximas semanas na cidade de Buenos tem sua casa vistoreada pela policia.

Researcher Who Reported E-voting Vulnerability Targeted By Police Raid
in Argentina

Posted by Soulskill on Saturday July 04, 2015 @06:30PM from the stay-safe dept.
TrixX writes: Police have raided the home of an Argentinian security
professional who discovered and reported several vulnerabilities in
the electronic ballot system (Google translation of Spanish original)
to be used next week for elections in the city of Buenos Aires. The
vulnerabilities (exposed SSL keys and ways to forge ballots with
multiple votes) had been reported to the manufacturer of the voting
machines, the media, and the public about a week ago. There has been
no arrest, but his computers and electronics devices have been
impounded (Spanish original). Meanwhile, the information security
community in Argentina is trying to get the media to report this
notorious attempt to "kill the messenger."


Em espanhol

Researcher Who Reported E-voting Vulnerability Targeted By Police Raid in
Posted by Soulskill on Saturday July 04, 2015
@06:30PM from the stay-safe dept.
TrixX <http://slashdot.org/%7ETrixX> writes: * Police have raided
<https://twitter.com/_joac/status/617152001504378880> the home of an
Argentinian security professional who discovered and reported several
vulnerabilities in the electronic ballot system
(Google translation of Spanish original
to be used next week for elections in the city of Buenos Aires. The
vulnerabilities (exposed SSL keys and ways to forge ballots with multiple
votes) had been reported to the manufacturer of the voting machines, the
media, and the public about a week ago. There has been no arrest, but his
computers and electronics devices have been impounded
(Spanish original
Meanwhile, the information security community in Argentina is trying to get
the media to report this notorious attempt to "kill the messenger." Another
(Spanish original

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