

Cancella l'azienda con un clic e diventa star del web. Ma dice: ''E' solo uno scherzo''Um cara conseguiu a facanha de apagar 1500 e tantos sites. Por acidente, programador Marco Marsala (acho que ele vai ter que mudar de ramo) aparentemente usou o comando "rm -rf", apagou tudo e todos do computador da empresa onde ele trabalhava. Coisa estranha.. nao to acreditando nessa noticia.

Aqui tem o resumo em portugues


A revista Exame Abril nao checou, muita gente caiu nessa. Vide abaixo


Outra reportagem em ingles, basicamente igual


So que se vc checar nesse link abaixo,


Vai descobrir que o cara fez uma piada. Alias, basta checar na fonte primaria do problema,


Ta escrito la que eh um hoax, vc clica e cai no artigo em italiano. Ai eh soh usar o google translate e.. descobrir que o sujeito ta querendo fazer publicidade viral com uma questao imbecil. Vai escrever um livro sobre historias de horror na Internet com as mensagens e conselhos. A traducao do artigo em italiano eh mais ou menos essa:

"'The command that I mentioned in the article is harmless but it seems that almost no one has noticed' ', responds candidly Marsala when we ask what is the specific technique that makes the lethal string of code. And he concludes: '' With the inaccuracies that are there in the online comments I write a book ''.But why did I do? It is a guerrilla marketing operation, a 'faux pas' invented out of whole cloth just '' to advertise my startup where we offer outsourced server management services '', this is the author's version that reveals: '' I am also writing a book on Unix for Dummies Horror Stories and anyway that fact really happened to someone I know, but years ago, there was an article in the newspaper ''.If it really happened, happened '' before 2006 '', explains Marsala. Indeed, since if the string is not added to the specific command -no preserve the Unix system takes care to warn the user of the correct syntax avoiding disaster. The addition in question in fact tells the system to behave in a destructive manner. But according to Marsala's more: '' The Ansible tool with which I destroyed while 1535 server - adds - prevents these errors. Almost every serious administrator uses it, but among those who answered no one seems to know, otherwise they would know that what I have described can not happen ''. Yet history, between marketing and viral post, he has been around the world by building around the main character an air of mystery that is inspiring the irony of the Network. It is lapidary relief received '' hot '' from Marsala by a Users who like many had taken the problem seriously: '' called an '' attorney to resolve the problem do not need a technician."

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